Welcome to Emotivity

Spiralling Upwards: Using Positive Emotions to Build and Sustain Health Habits

New Emotion Science Article

Forming and maintaining beneficial health habits can be challenging. Starting a new diet, exercising more regularly, and getting to bed at more regular hours all require us to be more aware of our habit loop – the cues, routines, and rewards that automate our behaviours. Our science article this month explains how habits form, why they persist, and the role that positive emotions play in sustaining our goals for a healthier life.

Is Malaysia Happy?

Featured Podcast Episode

Malaysia has been listed as the 5th happiest country (or 5th best mental well-being) in the world according to a report by the Global Mind Project. But are we really doing that well? We spoke to Dr Eugene Tee about the difference between happiness and well-being, why Malaysia ranked so highly and more.




rainbow clay toy
rainbow clay toy

Emotivity features research in the area of emotions but more importantly, serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and ideas related to the effective and healthy management of emotions in everyday life.